Brand Story
Life Plus Collection is a local design company in Hong Kong. It was founded by Miss Wendy Poon in 2013. She is a senior educational toy designer in Hong Kong. She determined to establish her own brand because of God’s call and inspiration, and the purpose is to use her talents to serve this generation. She is relying on God’s grace and inspiration to design unique educational products. Since 2018, we have used the biblical character definition as a foundation for the development of exclusive original card games and visual arts teaching materials. The goal is to help children, parents, mentors, and people who are interested in character, understand and develop character, and understand God's everlasting love and the abundant life! May the designs be the blessings of this generation.
Company: Life Plus Collection
Character brand: Fruitful 9
Purpose of establishment: To use my God's given art & design talent to present God's everlasting love.
Vision: Use art & design to interpret the bible <John 10:10>
Jesus said, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." An abundant life is by living the character of Jesus Christ.
Product & Service: Educational Card Game and Mentor Training Service
Mission: Promote and educate people the character of Jesus Christ
Aim: Glory to almighty God in the highest, help people understand the goodness of God, cultivate disciples and become a blessing to family.
Wendy Poon, the founder of the company,
Life Plus Collection was established by the Lord's grace in 2013.

Wendy Poon

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